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Your about to DISCOVER HOW TO…
“Find, Fund & Flip to Fortunes, all while automating and having 90% of the work done for you while you sleep! “

“Even If You’re Starting with No Money, No Credit, and No Experience”
DISCOVER The Secrets That the Most Successful Real Estate Flippers Use, So You Can:
From the Desk of Gabriel Jimenez
So here’s a question for you…
Would you rather work IN your business or ON your business?  There is a big difference between Activity vs. Accomplishment.

It’s what you get done vs. how many hours you stand to finish things…  Just because you’re a busy, doesn’t mean you are being productive…
Gabriel’s famous quote – “Don’t judge a man by what he says he will get done, but by what he accomplishes”
Most Real Estate Flippers think that they need to work in their businesses every day doing everyday tasks that come across their desks…

Unfortunately, a lot of courses and online seminars out there, make you think that you need to learn all of these difficult technical skills and proficiencies to run a successful real estate investing business, but the truth is…  You simply don’t need to…

In almost every case, there’s a huge disadvantage to doing things on your own that are outside your own natural expertise…
Not only will the end result probably not be as good as it could be, but you’ll have to spend countless hours to get it done…
Here’s an example of the cost of trying to do it ALL yourself…
Let’s say you want to launch a new web site for your business…  You’re trying to decide whether you should go at it all in your own or outsource it…  Here are just a few of the items that will need to be worked on:
  • Hours spent on researching online just to choose the right template to model their business after...
  • Web site design to update your inventory and property details pages...
  • Setting up your tools of the trade and your computer workstation...
  • Building Lists is one of the most important and time consuming things to do regularly. You always have to be marketing and finding new buyers or sellers to market to...
  • Managing Email Lists & Campaigns is equally as important as the next and preceding, once again another important step in the process that can’t be over looked...
  •  Creating Property Detail Web pages for each property you get under contract, complete with all relevant reports and contracts ready for the download for your interested buyers...
  • Creating and Maintaining the All Inventory Web Page on your website. This is also important so your always showcasing current inventory, and buyers aren’t calling on outdated inventory...
  • Creating Copyright ©. Protecting your content is an easily done detail, that most people over look, and can keep your material exclusive to you while you advertise and personalize your web pages and social presence. Protecting your Intellectual property is smart and a best practice by successful entrepreneurs...
  • How to find property leads from various inventory sources daily. This is crucial as you always need to have more than just one or two inventory sources. This could be a sink or swim one here and should never be ignored...
  • Importing and Managing Leads is a full time job in and of itself to update and manage your CRM. Since this is a numbers game business, it goes hand in hand that the more people you are reaching and advertising and talking with, the more deals you will be closing, but you need to be organized, its just the law of averages, straight mathematics! Managing these can be a headache...
  • Syndicating your properties to classified sites, this method gets your properties added exposure, but you have to be careful because not every property can be syndicated...
  • Posting to your Social Media and keeping these accounts current can eat up time as well, but once again, one of the important pieces of the pie here...
  • Analyzing a deal this is a crucial step to know if you even have a deal. The numbers here speak for themselves and don’t lie...
  • Calculating Repair estimates even if you have limited experience with this I will show you proven, easy methods to estimate any property, in any condition, and how to have this done for you...
  • Writing up the Contracts is just as important as any of these steps too, because let’s face it, this is how you are going to buy a property. You will never buy anything unless you are sending out offers!
  • The list goes on… These items are required processes in your business that need to be repeated week after week, month after month, year after year, constantly so that your business keeps growing!
It’s Obvious that doing all this on your own is a LOT OF WORK…
It may seem like you’re saving money by doing this all on your own, but most people don’t calculate the hours right before they start such an endeavor...

At bare minimum, the above task will take you at least 40 hours to accomplish…

And this is doing things just well enough to get by...

Let’s just say we put a dollar value when your time at just $50.00 per hour…  (Assuming your goal is to earn $100,000 plus per year, this is the bare minimum value of your time)...

With just this one example of launching your website, you would actually save $1600 by outsourcing it to experts…

Not to mention, the end result would likely be MUCH better than what you could do.

Web design isn’t the only tasks this applies to…

What tasks have you been putting off in your business?

There are a number of tasks within your business that fall into the category of probably better to outsource...Things like:
  • Finding Buyers...
  • Finding Sellers...
  • Finding Private Money Lenders...
  • Locating Inventory Sources...
  • Direct Marketing...
  • Finding Lead Sources...
  • Finding Realtors to Work With...
  • Inputting and Scrubbing Your Leads...
  • Managing a CRM...
  • Managing Email Lists...
  • Updating Property Inventory Pages...
  • Updating Web Site and Social Media...
  • Calculating Repair Estimates...
  • Doing a Deal Analysis...
  • Putting Together Offers...
  • Completing Contracts...
  • Blog Article Writing...
  • Video Creation...
  • Photo Editing...
  • Search Engine Optimization...
  • Appointment Setting...
  • Cold Calling...
  • Website Copy Writing...
  • Custom Programming...
  • Web Site Design...
  • Mobile Apps...
  • Graphic Design...
  • Online Research...
  • Logos and Branding...
  • Flyers and Sales Literature...
  • Newsletter Design...
  • Bookkeeping...
  • and literally anything else that needs to get done!
The Only Things You Should Be Doing In
Your Business Are These
CEO-Level Activities…
This may all seem very obvious, and make sense, but you’re probably wondering…
How Do I Effectively Outsource These Things?
Or maybe you’ve tried outsourcing in the past with little to no success…

 There’s no question, project management and outsourcing is a skill that must be learned…

  If everyone were born an expert delegator or project manager, everyone would be a CEO right?

 Although it’s not a natural born skill, it is something that can be learned…
Today you get a peek behind the curtain and learn from the guy that many real estate investors go to help them automate their Real Estate Wholesaling and Flipping Business...

 You will learn how to Model your business after mine using all of the same tools and resources I use. I will teach you how make money in this real estate business with a smaller learning curve and with far less stress than many investors experience...

The reason, is that I have adapted to the proven principles of Napoleon Hill, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Tim Ferris, and other top business leaders found in “Think and Grow Rich” and “The 4-hour work Week” and applied to them to the complex topic of Real Estate Investing and outsourcing, using what’s called the Mastermind Method...

Never before have these lessons been brought into the modern age in regards to get a project done and how to delegate the task in a collaborative effort so others can do them exactly as you envision.

It is an art to get a project done in harmony with all the members on the team. I will show you how to and the exact steps to take so you don’t have to learn it the hard way, like I did in the beginning… which cost me thousands of dollars and countless headaches.
Hi my name is Gabriel Jimenez, and I’ve closed over 700 deals while only doing about 10% of the work, earning me 7 figures in the process…
And have helped Real Estate Investors find the top freelanced talent including: virtual assistants, graphic designers, Buyer and Seller List Builders, web site designers, blog writers, Email marketers, List managers, deal analysts.
Why have so many people decided to bring me in and learn from me?
1. I’m great at the art of outsourcing 90% of the work in my Real Estate Flipping business...
You get all of my over the shoulder video lessons, seeing what I do step by step, including tools, forms, my complete resource library, and all the email support you need...
2. My strategies and techniques teach how to get things done on time and on budget...
3. and so they can focus on other tasks or simply relax...
If you are a one-person army with a small sales and acquisitions team, or a CEO of a large real estate company you can use outsourcing to get things done...

In the past you would have to learn from first-hand experience to learn the skills of the trade as a real estate investor, how to qualify a property, how to know how much money you will make on a deal, how to recruit, how to start and manage a new business from scratch to completion using outsourcing and freelancers on-line…

I wanted to put a system in place to give real estate investors a step by step method to do what’s taken me years to learn…

I’ve perfected the system to take your real estate investing business from a concept to a profitable business...

 Even if you have little to no experience, and I bundle the system into easy to follow program called “Outsourcing to Find, Fund, Flip, and Grow Rich” based off of the principles of the Mastermind…
Discover my exact step-by-step outsourcing system at my next upcoming online seminar!
Together with other entrepreneurs you will learn how to confidently find, manage, and develop your own freelance digital team, allowing you to start and or grow your own Real Estate Flipping Business and get more tasks done.

Inside the system, you’ll learn how to get all of this stuff done without ever having to build a lead list, qualify deals, make offers, schedule appointments, update web or social media content, post ads, send direct mail, source Cash buyers, source motivated sellers, market to private money lenders, create videos, or any other tedious tasks YOURSELF…
Get all the tools, forms and internet resources you need to start outsourcing to grow your real estate flipping business, right now before the online seminar starts, sent digitally to you…

This system is all about maximum leverage…  Or CEO level activities…

Giving you the opportunity to focus on what you like to do rather than what you have to do...

To put what the system is about in the simplest terms, let me give you an example:

If your basement started to flood, what would you do?  If you’re not a plumber, you’d probably call one right away?  You know nothing about plumbing (or very little) …

You probably don’t have the right tools…

You wouldn’t spend time trying to learn how to fix a leaky water heater from online videos or reading articles because it would take too long...

By the time you could even attempt to do so your whole basement would be flooded...

Even if you did try it, it wouldn’t come out as good as having an expert handle it, and you might even cause harm to yourself in the process or make things worse off...

Every minute you wait could end up costing you more money in damages until you got an expert in to take care of the problem…

Outsourcing something like plumbing seems like the normal, everyday thing to do… right?

We do this every day in our normal lives, yet for some reason we think it makes sense to tinker at every so-called “dripping faucet” in our basement by ourselves?

Crazy, right?

You need to leverage others’ strengths so you can focus on yours…

What would you do with more time for yourself?  Would you...
1.   Spend more time with your family?

2.   Enjoy a new hobby or spend time on one you’ve neglected due to being too busy?

3.    Go on more vacations?

4.    Volunteer for a charity?

5.    Get more done in your business and make more money?

Using my “Outsourcing to Find, Fund, Flip, and Grow Rich” system, I guarantee you’ll be able to free up at least 20 hours in your business week, and double your productivity by using my simple-to-follow business model, business plan, and outsourcing method.
In addition
to the freedom you’ll have…
Playing to your strengths and outsourcing your weaknesses gives you the freedom to do what you do best… 

You can spend time working on activities that you’re good at instead of wasting countless hours trying to learn a skill that someone else can do much more efficiently…

Unfortunately, most people that begin working on a project FAIL...

It’s true!

The success rate for people that intend to start a business or take on a project and see it to completion is extremely low… 

The big reason is simply, because it’s very easy to get overwhelmed...

What Things In Your Business Have You Been Putting Off?
Any task that you have been dreading to do can be outsourced to your personal Virtual Assistant. I can’t live without mine these days… she does everything for my business and I wouldn’t be where I am today partly due to all of her help and hard work.

These are people who enjoy list building, importing and creating spreadsheets, appointment setting, qualifying the deal, maintaining your databases and CRM’s, doing direct mail, email marketing, and other tasks that you and me would be pulling our hair out over.

There are actually people out there who like doing these things.
You can get those common everyday tasks, and even entire project done quicker and for less than you would think. 

There are currently people in your city, in another state, and overseas available right now to assist you as a member of your future virtual entrepreneur support team.  Using the “Outsourcing to Find, Fund, Flip, and Grow Rich” system, I will show you how to attract the best talent to help you accomplish your business mission and free up your workday.  There is no need to hire high price tag employees anymore when you can outsource the task without having to deal with taxes and health benefits.

I will reveal the best websites to get access to the following types of employees to assist you only when you need them, and where you will only pay them once the task is completed including: virtual assistants, bookkeepers, web site builders, List Builders, social media managers, appointment setters and cold callers.
I have put together all the tools you need so you can properly outsource…
When you attend the “Outsourcing to Find, Fund, Flip, and Grow Rich” online seminar you will receive…
Quick Start Guide
of what to do tomorrow, next week, next month to get you paid in the next 30 days...

How to set your tools and systems up from the beginning...

The right places to find the highest quality freelancers at the best possible prices...

How to position and structure your business from the start so everything runs smoothly like a well oiled machine...
My Golden Rolodex
of every form, tool, contract and marketing pieces that I use in my business...

All forms are fully customizable for your business...

The tools, forms and resources alone are worth far more than the small investment in the system, you’ll get access to my most trusted, the highest quality, up to date information!
Online Job Posting Examples
The ads you will post often dictate the quality of freelance assistants that you get...

In order to get the best contractors, you have to post the right type of ads and screen the candidates the right way...
Online Library of Resources
All of the closely-guarded resources I use on every project right at your fingertips available for you to use online whenever you need...
Online Training Modules
My 20 over the shoulder in depth training modules shows and teaches you what to do to get moving right away all the way through to cashing your first check...
When I first started in this business I challenged myself to see how much money I could earn in 30 days, and my first month I made $53,317, brand new in the business using the same strategies and techniques you will learn inside.

Prioritizing your valuable time is a big key to success, get access to the exact business strategies and processes I use, along with step-by-step how I use it! I’m not saying these results are typical, but that’s exactly what I did using the same identical techniques and strategies I’m going to show you! These strategies are time tested and solidly proven.
Reserve your Seat for our online
“Outsourcing to Find, Fund, Flip, and Grow Rich”
Seminar right now!
This was a 2-day seminar we combined into a convenient 1 day crash course Online Event!

Claim your ticket to our Online Seminar and you’ll get my over the shoulder intensive training where you’ll leave an expert on the Find Fund Flip Grow Rich system
Valued at
You will also automatically receive complete access to the "Outsourcing to Find, Fund, Flip, and Grow Rich" Online Course
Valued at
These Inner Circle Bonuses
  Valued at
Email access to support: Get stumped or have a question along the way?  No problem, just send us an email and we’re happy to help you! 
Valued at $597
Members only forum: there’s nothing like masterminding with like-minded people inside the forum, you’ll get to do just that and learn from others as you grow your business…
Valued at $297
Monthly Mastermind newsletter as we develop great ideas to grow your business, we pass them on to you, our community, on a monthly basis via our exclusive newsletter, Plus More…
Valued at $189
It’s pretty obvious that these bonuses are invaluable…

Because of the nature of these bonuses, they are LIMITED and only available to the first 100 people to get access to the system, I don’t want to over saturate the opportunity for those who have paid a lot of money to access the same material, and that way we keep it exclusive…

You’re probably wondering…
 How much?
The contents of the “Outsourcing to Find, Fund, Flip, and Grow Rich” system are easily worth thousands of dollars to your business...

When you learn how to leverage the strengths and skills of others and outsource your weaknesses, you can see amazing growth and profits in your real estate Investing business…

Most importantly, you can have the time to do the things you want in your life…

You’re getting freedom! How much is that worth to YOU!?

Everything you get Inside Today:
  • First you'll get a Reserved Invitation for your seat to our upcoming Online Seminar, Valued at $2797
  • Second you'll receive the "Outsourcing to Find, Fund, Flip, and Grow Rich" Complete Online Course, Valued at $1497
  • Third you'll receive Complete Access to: My Online Library of Resources, My Golden Rolodex, and my Quick Start Guide
  • Finally, You'll get my Inner Circle BONUSES Free for Life: The Members Only Forum (Private Access), and our Monthly Mastermind Newsletter to our Inner Circle Community, Valued at $1083
That’s a TOTAL VALUE of $5377
Order today and receive in addition, a SPECIAL BONUS:
I’ll even throw in Email Support from our experts to help guide you!!

That’s right…

 I’m giving you complete access to these Inner Circle - BONUSES - FREE for a Lifetime!!
The Inner circle, in addition to the Email Support, Members Only Forum and Mastermind Newsletter, also contains Advanced Tools, Video Blogs keeping you on top of what we are doing new in our business, and how that will help you grow your business, it’s filled with FREE Bonuses and Tips, and Staff Support that you cannot find anywhere else. Its your thriving, beating community where real people help each other succeed...

FREE for Life to our thriving monthly community, the Find, Fund, Flip, Grow Rich Inner Circle...

I want to make this as easy for everyone as possible, and take away as many barriers of entry as I can, I'm providing you with the complete system and training...

 But you won’t pay anywhere close to $5377 Today...

I wanted to make this affordable for everyone… 

From the beginner, brand new investor, to the struggling business owner, or experienced flipper, so I decided to price it at just $1997...

But for a LIMITED time only, I’m going to make you a Special One Time offer, I’ve made a personal commitment to pay it forward in my business and to the people who are committed to change, and I truly want to help as many people as I can realize their dream, so for an extremely limited time...

 I’m going to Slash the price, BUT, I won’t be offering this for much longer...

 If you come back later this offer could be gone by then...
So here's what I've done, for a very Limited Time, I put it all together, in one system, all of this, and you can have it all today not for the full price of $1997
But for just $997!
The system will pay for itself, and then some, after just one project by leveraging the Dollars you have in your bank account…
But don’t delay…
PLUS $1083 Worth of BONUSES, and the Lifetime FREE Inner Circle, Community Membership Special Bonus...
This special pricing is limited to the first
100 people to take action...

If you delay, the price could be substantially higher when you come back tomorrow…
Here’s How To Order
“Outsourcing to Find, Fund, Flip, and Grow Rich”
To get access to the complete system, click the link below, and enter your information, and you’ll get immediate access to the course and contents...

At the online seminar you will receive step-by-step instructions on how to get the most out of your course material and take advantage of a limited time bonus...

Simply click on the link below to secure your seat for our next upcoming “Outsourcing to Find, Fund, Flip, and Grow Rich” online seminar today...

Results are guaranteed
with “Outsourcing to Find, Fund, Flip, and Grow Rich”…
I guarantee that you’ll receive everything you’ll need to start and run a project to completion without spinning your wheels are wasting your time, heading in the wrong direction when starting your real estate investing business.

You’ll get everything listed in the “Outsourcing to Find, Fund, Flip, and Grow Rich” system, and a VIP Invitation to our next upcoming online seminar, with my 60 day, 100% satisfaction guarantee!

If you aren’t absolutely happy, just let me know and I will refund your money right away…

No questions asked!

It has never happened, because people get so much value from learning how to build their real estate business support team to get projects done fast. And for less that they think is possible…

The reason I’m giving so much into this program is that I want Real Estate Flippers, CEO’s and Entrepreneurs like yourself to have more time to spend with their families instead of being stuck at the office till the late hours of the night.

Here’s why
you need the system today...
You’ve really have two choices at this point…
Here’s the link again…
Don’t delay… This special offer and pricing is for the first 100 people to take action!
Secure Order Form - 100% Protected & Safe
To your success,
PS – STILL HERE?  Here Are Some Frequently Asked Questions And Answers About The System
•    I’ve tried to outsource a task online before but failed…  What makes your method different about this? 

Using the “Outsourcing to Find, Fund, Flip, and Grow Rich” system you will learn the ins and outs of how to properly screen, hire, and manage a Virtual Assistant or freelancer.  There are several small things when not done correctly will cause a project to almost for sure fail.  I will show you all the common pitfalls so you save yourself from making them also.
•    Do you have examples of common business tasks that can be outsourced? 

For all the tasks listed above you will gain access to pre written and proven job postings which can be used to attract the best talent for your job.  Each major project also comes with a detailed project plan and suggestive milestones to follow to assist you throughout the entire management process.
•    How much support will I receive? 

You will get unlimited e-mail access to my team and I to help you through the job posting and project management process if anything comes up and you need help writing an email to the freelancer or need some advice on the best way to approach a specific issue we are here to support our students.
•    Which niche does this work in? 

This works in any niche where money is changing hands at…  Our training benefits your real estate flipping business specifically though… Property flippers looking for additional properties to flip can increase their profits immensely by closing a few more deal per month or finishing a project that has been going on for too long.
•    Are there any recurring fees? 

No not for the course material, but if you choose to enroll in one of our monthly membership plans, which we may offer to you over time through our emails we send, you will be charged per month, again ONLY if you choose to enroll in the monthly membership plan for one of our different products or promotions. This monthly charge is automatically charged to your credit card you used when signing up for that membership plan. If you decide not to continue on as a monthly subscriber you can cancel at any time. You’ll get everything you need to set up your Real Estate Investing Business and to start and finish a property buy and sale using a virtual assistant and or on-line freelancer to help finish your tasks. Once you learn the information you can continue to profit from it for years to come in your business.
•    Which niche does this work in? 

This works in any niche where money is changing hands at…  Our training benefits your real estate flipping business specifically though… Property flippers looking for additional properties to flip can increase their profits immensely by closing a few more deal per month or finishing a project that has been going on for too long.
•    Is there a guarantee of any kind? 

Yes, we guarantee that you’ll receive everything included in each online module package and also receive the training you need to successfully set up, run and manage your own virtual remote staff to do 90% of the work for you in your business.  Plus, you’re protected by my 60 day, 100% satisfaction guarantee!
•    Why are you qualified to do this for me and teach me?

I’m the guy the gurus turn to when they need to automate their Real Estate Flipping business…
I really just want you to succeed and help you change your life, like this has changed the life of myself and so many people before you!!

The risk is so low compared to the potential upside of building yourself a successful automated Real Estate Business, saving yourself hours and hours of time per week alone, you don’t have much to lose here!!!!

 How can you afford NOT to take Action right now!
Click get started now and I'll see you inside!

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